
Julia Preuss
Julia Preuss Julia is around since quite a while in the BMX Flatland scene. She is one of the best female riders doing it and known for her smooth and...
Julia Preuss
Julia Preuss Julia is around since quite a while in the BMX Flatland scene. She is one of the best female riders doing it and known for her smooth and...

Dominik "DOM" Nekolny
Dominik "DOM" Nekolny What to say about our strictly Flatland Czech Teamrider from Praha – he is down with us straight from the start and maybe the contest monster in our...
Dominik "DOM" Nekolny
Dominik "DOM" Nekolny What to say about our strictly Flatland Czech Teamrider from Praha – he is down with us straight from the start and maybe the contest monster in our...

Thomas "BREAKYOURNOSE" Deschenaux
Thomas "BREAKYOURNOSE" Deschenaux Besides being maybe one of the most talented Nosewheelie riders on the planet Thomas is also responsible as our graphic designer for the look of the AUTUM...
Thomas "BREAKYOURNOSE" Deschenaux
Thomas "BREAKYOURNOSE" Deschenaux Besides being maybe one of the most talented Nosewheelie riders on the planet Thomas is also responsible as our graphic designer for the look of the AUTUM...

Charles Paty
Charles Paty For our French Teamrider Charles it does not matter if it is raining the floor is bumpy, wet or whatever – he just wants to ride! And when he...
Charles Paty
Charles Paty For our French Teamrider Charles it does not matter if it is raining the floor is bumpy, wet or whatever – he just wants to ride! And when he...

Taslem "Botak" Raziff
Taslem "Botak" Raziff Our malaysian teamrider and all time sunny boy Botak always surpises with his smooth and fast riding style. Besides his riding Botak is also involved in organizing...
Taslem "Botak" Raziff
Taslem "Botak" Raziff Our malaysian teamrider and all time sunny boy Botak always surpises with his smooth and fast riding style. Besides his riding Botak is also involved in organizing...